Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Sorry peeps....I've been totally behind on the posting >_< It's been a super crazy few weeks at work and I'm just now able to focus on something else besides my failed experiments =(

A few weekends ago Boyfriend and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe it's been 2 years! It's so cliche but time sure flies by when you're having fun! Boyfriend surprised me by getting me some gorgeous lilacs and stargazer lilies delivered to my office.

These flowers stayed alive and blooming for about 3 weeks and had the most amazing smell that permeated the whole hallway! The flowers came with a simple message, " A gift of two wonderful years. Love you." How can I not love this man??!! 

We celebrated our anniversary with a wonderful dinner at Rei Del Gado Brazilian Steak House in Gaslamp. If you are a meat-eater, this is the place for you! The restaurant has no menu, has an awesome cold bar (salads, shrimp cocktails, assortment of cheeses, king crab legs, etc.), soups, and a hot bar (rice, potatoes, fish, mussels, etc.)

The best thing about this restaurant is the unlimited supplies of meats! The servers (hot Brazilian guys with large skewers and knives, how can you not love it?) come around with different types of meats and stop by your table if you have this little thing below turned to green!

Yum....I'm getting hungry just posting these pictures! We finished the dinner off with some coffee that came in the most adorable coffee cups!

It was a wonderfully simple and amazing anniversary! I can't wait for our next anniversary and the many more that will come after that =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Brazilian food! We should go together! It is Adam's favorite and I love it because I taught English in Brazil.
