Sunday, August 28, 2011


A few weekends ago I went with some girlfriends from my PhD program to go antique shopping. I've never gone antiquing before so I was totally psyched about the experience! My friend Sarah is a veteran antique shopper, and she took us to her favorite store in Oceanside!

We first stopped at an adorable little cafe in Oceanside called Hill Street Cafe & Gallery for some lunch!

Then it's onwards to the antique shop! The shop is amazing! I guess I never went antique shopping before because I always thought I wouldn't have the patience to dig through a bunch of old stuff, but this shopping trip definitely changed my mind!

There were so many amazing finds in plain sight or hidden in the corners! I now think of antique shopping as a treasure hunt and I can't wait to go again!

1 comment:

  1. The only time I've gone antiquing is when I was on the props crew for one of the plays at RHS; I thought it was totally awesome, so I'm jealous that you got to go! Antiquing with babies in tow is tough, so maybe I should take a page out of your book and go with some girlfriends.
